The amazing flax seed, and it’s health benefits!
Did you know that flax seed was cultivated as early as 3000 BC?? Linen is made from flax and has been found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, is referred to in the Bible and were also the white sails of  Homer’s Odyssey. It’s been around for a while! 🙂  Even the French King Charlemagne passed a law that required his subjects to consume flax seeds for their health benefits. That was thirteen centuries ago! It wasn’t until the 1960’s though, that flax seed health benefits were scientifically proven!
Flax seeds aren’t technically a grain. With all of the fiber, antioxidants, and Omega-3’s it leaves grains in the dust. Flax seeds are super low in carbohydrates, which make them a good choice for people who are trying to reduce the amount of starches and sugars in their diet. Because of its great combination of healthy fats and high fiber content, its actually known for weight loss and maintenance. Flax seeds are known to keep you satisfied for longer. Flax seed is also great for inflammation, as its rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is high in most vitamin B’s, manganese and magnesium. Flax seed has both soluble and insoluble fibers! Which is great to stabilize blood sugars! Flax seeds are also high in lignans which promote fertility, reduce peri-menopausal symptoms and may even prevent Type 2 diabetes and breast cancer!!
This little seed is amazing! NOTE that flax seeds must be ground to make the nutrients available. So throw them in a smoothie or other recipes and start enjoying the health benefits today!!!